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Dizzy Heights Branding & Website

I was approached to bring the Dizzy Heights brand to life in a way the reflected the founder's personality and values. The brand collateral was crafted to represent the guidance and elevation my client brought to the companies she represented as a national sales rep.


Art Direction, Print, Digital


Dizzy Heights





My client took the leap and forged her own path with Dizzy Heights early in 2020. As a new company, there needed to be a solid foundation that my client could build upon in years to come as the business grew. The challenge was to make Dizzy Heights stand out above the competition.


Through discovery sessions, we quickly collated details of the companies main purpose, the market and audience. This information was processed, and with inspiration taken from my client's persona, the brand was curated to meet the client brief.

Dizzy Heights_Brand_Mockup_1_280120.jpg

The Dizzy Heights website was designed to be a single page scroller with easy navigation buttons to traverse to each brand. Each brand was accompanied by brand imagery, information about the brand and links to the brand website.

Dizzy Heights_Brand_Mockup_2_280120.jpg
Dizzy-Heights-Website-Update-website-2 c

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